How did Sundar Pichai come up with the idea to make Google Maps?

How did Sundar Pichai come up with the idea to make Google Maps?
No matter how much you keep the information of the roads, but during the journey, you need Google Maps. With the help of the map, it becomes easy to reach your destination wherever you go.
We all use Google Maps every day, but do you know when and where the idea to make Google Maps come from? Actually, the story of the creation of Google Maps is also no less than the story of a film/serial. In this article, you will know the story of making Google Maps.

The first time, the idea of creating Google Maps came to Google CEO Sundar Pichai.
This story is from 2004. When Sundar Pichai, a US resident, had to go to dinner somewhere with his wife. Before leaving the house, Sundar Pichai said to his wife I will reach for dinner direct from the office. You reach on time, I will meet you there.
Sundar Pichai’s wife Anjali had reached for dinner at exactly 8 o’clock. Sundar Pichai also left on time from his office for dinner, but he lost his way in the middle. That’s why he went at 10 o’clock by the time he reached, was late for about 2 hours until then his wife had left from there.

Sundar Pichai’s wife was very angry with him for not reaching on time. That’s why both of them had a fight when he reached home. After quarreling with his wife, he went back to the office and kept on thinking all the way that what should be made such that no person should ever go astray. Then he got the idea of making Maps.
After contemplating the whole night, the next day Sundar Pichai shared the idea of making maps with his team. The team refused to work on this idea, they said that this idea is not right. However, after much persuasion, he convinced the team to make the maps. And in 2005 that Google Maps was launched in America. After America, Google Maps was launched in India in 2008 and now the situation is that every 5th person in the world travels through Google Maps.

Someone has rightly said that behind every successful person, there is a hand of his wife, for the sake of wife and love, a person can make every impossible task possible. By the way, Sundar Pichai made Google Maps for his wife and what can you make?
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